1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Health and Safety Inspections

What is a Health and Safety Inspection?

Most child care providers offer safe and healthy environments. Health and safety inspections and investigations are a normal part of child care in Idaho. Inspections are not intended to "catch" anyone doing something wrong. Inspections help ensure the safety of children and staff, support staff in following requirements by finding concerns, and promote continuous improvement.

Idaho began publishing the results of health and safety inspections October 2017. Inspections are published as they are conducted and maintained on this site for at least three years.

20 Inspections Conducted
Health and Safety Record:
11 passed 9 failed
Health & Safety Inspection July 3rd, 2024



1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Inspection Criterion
Inspection Comments
1. Provider Age/Supervision
1. Provider Age/Supervision:
Providers must be 18 years old or older. Persons 16 or 17 may provide care if directly supervised by a provider. An adult must be awake and within sight and hearing of children
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up investigation, the provider is current on background checks.
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid:
Must have at least ONE adult on premises at all times who has a current certification in pediatric rescue breathing, CPR, and pediatric first aid.
3. Child-Staff Ratio
3. Child-Staff Ratio:
Child to staff ratio must be adhered to during all hours of operation. Ratios are determined by a point system. Points are determined by the age of children. Twelve points per staff member is the maximum. Child 0-24 mos. = 2 pts.; Child 24-36 mos. = 1.5 pts.; Child 36-60 mos. = 1 pts.; Child 60 mos-13yrs = .5 pts. Local jurisdictions that license child care providers may be more stringent.
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill:
Provide a written procedure that outlines what will be done if a child becomes ill while in your care. Staff or children who are diagnosed with a day care restrictable disease must not attend a day care facility as long as the disease is in communicable form
5. Immunization Records
5. Immunization Records:
Each child’s immunization record or reason for exemption is collected by the provider within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication:
Facilities must have an approved fire safety and evacuation plan. Fire and evacuation drills must be conducted on a routine schedule and staff and children must participate. An operable telephone or cell phone must be available at all times and must be available to parents and guardians.
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits:
Centers, Group, and licensed Family Day Cares must be inspected by the local Fire Official or designee. Providers must have at least one fire extinguisher, inspected annually. Smoke detectors must be placed in each sleeping area, hall-way, and on each floor level. No second story or basement child care without an approved fire exit. Unlicensed Family ICCP providers must be in compliance with Fire Safety Standards in the Child Care Licensing Rules.
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings:
A fire evacuation plan must include the staging area, exit locations, evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations. Include a routine drill schedule.
9. Food Source / Food Thawing
9. Food Source / Food Thawing:
Providers must serve only pasteurized milk and juice, and only USDA approved meat only. Providers must not serve home canned foods, except jams or jellies. Food should be thawed safely.
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene:
Cook meat to proper temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination. Practice proper hand washing often. Minimize bare hand contact with food. Unwrapped foods may not be re-served once plate is on the table.
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers:
Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate refrigerator thermometer, metal or plastic shielded. Refrigerators must be cold at 41° F (38-40° F preferred) or below.
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination:
Cooked foods are stored above raw foods. Store eggs, raw meat and poultry below ready-to-eat food. Keep food stored off the floor and protected from dust, flies, pets, water, and chemicals. Do not store under plumbing pipes. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be covered to prevent cross contamination.
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing:
Food contact surfaces must be kept clean (counters, tables, high chairs, cutting boards) and sanitized. Cutting boards, knives, counters, pots and pans, plates, cups, forks, and spoons must be clean and sanitized, in good repair, smooth, and easy to clean. Refrigerators, cabinet shelves, sinks, dish machines, utensil handles, must be clean, in good repair, smooth and easy to clean. Wiping cloths, dishcloths used for tables, counters, high chairs, etc. are rinsed in a sanitizing solution before and after use.
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing:
Dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware shall be washed either in a dishwasher with a sanitizing dry cycle, or by the four-step method.
15. Utensil Storage
15. Utensil Storage:
Protect clean utensils, glasses, dishes, pots and pans, from contamination. Drawers holding sharp utensils should be secured with child-proof latches.
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances:
STORE ALL CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, OR IN A LOCKED CABINET. Bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, plant fertilizers, insect sprays, paint thinners, or other chemicals must be stored away from foods and utensils. Store medicines and vitamins out of reach of children. Cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, health and beauty aids, poisons, shall be used only in a manner that will not constitute a hazard to the children. When not in actual use, such materials shall be kept in a place inaccessible to children and separate from stored medications and food. All arts and crafts materials used in the facility shall be non-toxic. Poisonous or potentially harmful plants on the premises shall be inaccessible to children.
17. Garbage Covered/Removed
17. Garbage Covered/Removed:
Garbage and disposable diapers must be in covered containers or closed garbage bags. They should be taken to outside containers daily for weekly removal. Garbage/trash needs to be stored where it is inaccessible to children and cannot attract vermin.
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal:
Water supply pipes, faucets, or hoses below a sink rim or in a drain or sewer may create a cross-connection between drinking water and dirty water; proper backflow prevention should be present. Plumbing must be in good condition and comply with local plumbing code. Sewage must be properly disposed with no overflows or surfacing that may cause contamination.
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled:
The water must be from a Health District approved source and be free of contamination. A sample of the water will be collected and the visible portion of the well will be inspected.
20. Handwashing Facilities
20. Handwashing Facilities:
A hand sink needs to be close to the diaper changing area. The kitchen sink is not to be used for hand washing after changing diapers. The sink(s) used for hand washing must have hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. Soap and paper towels must be present.
21. Diaper Changing Facilities
21. Diaper Changing Facilities:
The changing area cannot be in the kitchen or on counters or tables used for food preparation or dining. A smooth non-absorbent diaper changing surface is required. Dirty diapers and soiled clothing must be stored to prevent access by children. Sanitize the diaper changing surface after each diaper change. Use gloves. The employee is to wash his/her hands between each diaper change. The child’s hands should also be washed.
22. Firearm Storage
22. Firearm Storage:
Firearms must be in a locked container or other container inaccessible to children. Ammunition is to be in a separate locked container.
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...)
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...):
Pools, hot tubs and other bodies of water must be inaccessible to children.
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption:
Use of alcohol or smoking is prohibited during operating hours when children are present.
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean:
Sleeping cots, blankets and mats are kept clean and sanitized regularly. Keep play areas clean. Toys, tables, and chairs should be washable and sanitized frequently. Restroom(s) must be cleaned daily and ventilated.
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation:
Adequate heat, light, and ventilation are required. Screened doors and windows are required when open. Wood stoves must not be accessible to children.
27. Outdoor Play Areas
27. Outdoor Play Areas:
Maintain areas free from hazards, such as window wells, garden tools, lawn mowers, gas grills, ATVs, motorcycles, and animal waste. Play equipment must be safe, in good condition, and anchored.
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination:
Animals must be in good health, friendly, and vaccinated.
29. General Safety
29. General Safety:
Electric cords and outlets must be in good condition. Keep electric outlets covered. Cords for blinds must be out of reach. Fueled equipment and repair equipment must be inaccessible to children. Choking hazards may not be accessible to children. Building and physical premises must be safe, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury including but not limited to, electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
30. Transportation Safety
30. Transportation Safety:
Providers who transport children as part of their child care operations must operate safely, using child safety restraints and seat belts as required by state and local statute.
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib:
Providers must place newborn infants to twelve (12) months in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified crib.
Date e-mailed / Faxed to IDSTARS
Health & Safety Inspection July 3rd, 2024



1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Inspection Criterion
Inspection Comments
1. Provider Age/Supervision
1. Provider Age/Supervision:
Providers must be 18 years old or older. Persons 16 or 17 may provide care if directly supervised by a provider. An adult must be awake and within sight and hearing of children
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up inspection, provider is current on background checks for all staff members.
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid:
Must have at least ONE adult on premises at all times who has a current certification in pediatric rescue breathing, CPR, and pediatric first aid.
3. Child-Staff Ratio
3. Child-Staff Ratio:
Child to staff ratio must be adhered to during all hours of operation. Ratios are determined by a point system. Points are determined by the age of children. Twelve points per staff member is the maximum. Child 0-24 mos. = 2 pts.; Child 24-36 mos. = 1.5 pts.; Child 36-60 mos. = 1 pts.; Child 60 mos-13yrs = .5 pts. Local jurisdictions that license child care providers may be more stringent.
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill:
Provide a written procedure that outlines what will be done if a child becomes ill while in your care. Staff or children who are diagnosed with a day care restrictable disease must not attend a day care facility as long as the disease is in communicable form
5. Immunization Records
5. Immunization Records:
Each child’s immunization record or reason for exemption is collected by the provider within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up inspection, immunization records are current.
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication:
Facilities must have an approved fire safety and evacuation plan. Fire and evacuation drills must be conducted on a routine schedule and staff and children must participate. An operable telephone or cell phone must be available at all times and must be available to parents and guardians.
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits:
Centers, Group, and licensed Family Day Cares must be inspected by the local Fire Official or designee. Providers must have at least one fire extinguisher, inspected annually. Smoke detectors must be placed in each sleeping area, hall-way, and on each floor level. No second story or basement child care without an approved fire exit. Unlicensed Family ICCP providers must be in compliance with Fire Safety Standards in the Child Care Licensing Rules.
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings:
A fire evacuation plan must include the staging area, exit locations, evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations. Include a routine drill schedule.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up inspection, fire drill logs were provided.
9. Food Source / Food Thawing
9. Food Source / Food Thawing:
Providers must serve only pasteurized milk and juice, and only USDA approved meat only. Providers must not serve home canned foods, except jams or jellies. Food should be thawed safely.
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene:
Cook meat to proper temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination. Practice proper hand washing often. Minimize bare hand contact with food. Unwrapped foods may not be re-served once plate is on the table.
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers:
Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate refrigerator thermometer, metal or plastic shielded. Refrigerators must be cold at 41° F (38-40° F preferred) or below.
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination:
Cooked foods are stored above raw foods. Store eggs, raw meat and poultry below ready-to-eat food. Keep food stored off the floor and protected from dust, flies, pets, water, and chemicals. Do not store under plumbing pipes. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be covered to prevent cross contamination.
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing:
Food contact surfaces must be kept clean (counters, tables, high chairs, cutting boards) and sanitized. Cutting boards, knives, counters, pots and pans, plates, cups, forks, and spoons must be clean and sanitized, in good repair, smooth, and easy to clean. Refrigerators, cabinet shelves, sinks, dish machines, utensil handles, must be clean, in good repair, smooth and easy to clean. Wiping cloths, dishcloths used for tables, counters, high chairs, etc. are rinsed in a sanitizing solution before and after use.
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing:
Dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware shall be washed either in a dishwasher with a sanitizing dry cycle, or by the four-step method.
15. Utensil Storage
15. Utensil Storage:
Protect clean utensils, glasses, dishes, pots and pans, from contamination. Drawers holding sharp utensils should be secured with child-proof latches.
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances:
STORE ALL CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, OR IN A LOCKED CABINET. Bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, plant fertilizers, insect sprays, paint thinners, or other chemicals must be stored away from foods and utensils. Store medicines and vitamins out of reach of children. Cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, health and beauty aids, poisons, shall be used only in a manner that will not constitute a hazard to the children. When not in actual use, such materials shall be kept in a place inaccessible to children and separate from stored medications and food. All arts and crafts materials used in the facility shall be non-toxic. Poisonous or potentially harmful plants on the premises shall be inaccessible to children.
17. Garbage Covered/Removed
17. Garbage Covered/Removed:
Garbage and disposable diapers must be in covered containers or closed garbage bags. They should be taken to outside containers daily for weekly removal. Garbage/trash needs to be stored where it is inaccessible to children and cannot attract vermin.
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal:
Water supply pipes, faucets, or hoses below a sink rim or in a drain or sewer may create a cross-connection between drinking water and dirty water; proper backflow prevention should be present. Plumbing must be in good condition and comply with local plumbing code. Sewage must be properly disposed with no overflows or surfacing that may cause contamination.
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled:
The water must be from a Health District approved source and be free of contamination. A sample of the water will be collected and the visible portion of the well will be inspected.
20. Handwashing Facilities
20. Handwashing Facilities:
A hand sink needs to be close to the diaper changing area. The kitchen sink is not to be used for hand washing after changing diapers. The sink(s) used for hand washing must have hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. Soap and paper towels must be present.
21. Diaper Changing Facilities
21. Diaper Changing Facilities:
The changing area cannot be in the kitchen or on counters or tables used for food preparation or dining. A smooth non-absorbent diaper changing surface is required. Dirty diapers and soiled clothing must be stored to prevent access by children. Sanitize the diaper changing surface after each diaper change. Use gloves. The employee is to wash his/her hands between each diaper change. The child’s hands should also be washed.
22. Firearm Storage
22. Firearm Storage:
Firearms must be in a locked container or other container inaccessible to children. Ammunition is to be in a separate locked container.
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...)
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...):
Pools, hot tubs and other bodies of water must be inaccessible to children.
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption:
Use of alcohol or smoking is prohibited during operating hours when children are present.
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean:
Sleeping cots, blankets and mats are kept clean and sanitized regularly. Keep play areas clean. Toys, tables, and chairs should be washable and sanitized frequently. Restroom(s) must be cleaned daily and ventilated.
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation:
Adequate heat, light, and ventilation are required. Screened doors and windows are required when open. Wood stoves must not be accessible to children.
27. Outdoor Play Areas
27. Outdoor Play Areas:
Maintain areas free from hazards, such as window wells, garden tools, lawn mowers, gas grills, ATVs, motorcycles, and animal waste. Play equipment must be safe, in good condition, and anchored.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up inspection, provider replaced missing plank.
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination:
Animals must be in good health, friendly, and vaccinated.
29. General Safety
29. General Safety:
Electric cords and outlets must be in good condition. Keep electric outlets covered. Cords for blinds must be out of reach. Fueled equipment and repair equipment must be inaccessible to children. Choking hazards may not be accessible to children. Building and physical premises must be safe, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury including but not limited to, electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 7/3/24
At time of follow up inspection, provider removed chairs and re-drilled gate's lock in order to function.
30. Transportation Safety
30. Transportation Safety:
Providers who transport children as part of their child care operations must operate safely, using child safety restraints and seat belts as required by state and local statute.
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib:
Providers must place newborn infants to twelve (12) months in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified crib.
Date e-mailed / Faxed to IDSTARS
Health & Safety Inspection June 21st, 2024



1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Not Resolved
Inspection Criterion
Inspection Comments
1. Provider Age/Supervision
1. Provider Age/Supervision:
Providers must be 18 years old or older. Persons 16 or 17 may provide care if directly supervised by a provider. An adult must be awake and within sight and hearing of children
Inspector's comments: At time of investigation, provider is not current on 3 background checks.
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid:
Must have at least ONE adult on premises at all times who has a current certification in pediatric rescue breathing, CPR, and pediatric first aid.
3. Child-Staff Ratio
3. Child-Staff Ratio:
Child to staff ratio must be adhered to during all hours of operation. Ratios are determined by a point system. Points are determined by the age of children. Twelve points per staff member is the maximum. Child 0-24 mos. = 2 pts.; Child 24-36 mos. = 1.5 pts.; Child 36-60 mos. = 1 pts.; Child 60 mos-13yrs = .5 pts. Local jurisdictions that license child care providers may be more stringent.
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill:
Provide a written procedure that outlines what will be done if a child becomes ill while in your care. Staff or children who are diagnosed with a day care restrictable disease must not attend a day care facility as long as the disease is in communicable form
5. Immunization Records
5. Immunization Records:
Each child’s immunization record or reason for exemption is collected by the provider within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication:
Facilities must have an approved fire safety and evacuation plan. Fire and evacuation drills must be conducted on a routine schedule and staff and children must participate. An operable telephone or cell phone must be available at all times and must be available to parents and guardians.
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits:
Centers, Group, and licensed Family Day Cares must be inspected by the local Fire Official or designee. Providers must have at least one fire extinguisher, inspected annually. Smoke detectors must be placed in each sleeping area, hall-way, and on each floor level. No second story or basement child care without an approved fire exit. Unlicensed Family ICCP providers must be in compliance with Fire Safety Standards in the Child Care Licensing Rules.
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings:
A fire evacuation plan must include the staging area, exit locations, evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations. Include a routine drill schedule.
9. Food Source / Food Thawing
9. Food Source / Food Thawing:
Providers must serve only pasteurized milk and juice, and only USDA approved meat only. Providers must not serve home canned foods, except jams or jellies. Food should be thawed safely.
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene:
Cook meat to proper temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination. Practice proper hand washing often. Minimize bare hand contact with food. Unwrapped foods may not be re-served once plate is on the table.
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers:
Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate refrigerator thermometer, metal or plastic shielded. Refrigerators must be cold at 41° F (38-40° F preferred) or below.
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination:
Cooked foods are stored above raw foods. Store eggs, raw meat and poultry below ready-to-eat food. Keep food stored off the floor and protected from dust, flies, pets, water, and chemicals. Do not store under plumbing pipes. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be covered to prevent cross contamination.
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing:
Food contact surfaces must be kept clean (counters, tables, high chairs, cutting boards) and sanitized. Cutting boards, knives, counters, pots and pans, plates, cups, forks, and spoons must be clean and sanitized, in good repair, smooth, and easy to clean. Refrigerators, cabinet shelves, sinks, dish machines, utensil handles, must be clean, in good repair, smooth and easy to clean. Wiping cloths, dishcloths used for tables, counters, high chairs, etc. are rinsed in a sanitizing solution before and after use.
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing:
Dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware shall be washed either in a dishwasher with a sanitizing dry cycle, or by the four-step method.
15. Utensil Storage
15. Utensil Storage:
Protect clean utensils, glasses, dishes, pots and pans, from contamination. Drawers holding sharp utensils should be secured with child-proof latches.
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances:
STORE ALL CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, OR IN A LOCKED CABINET. Bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, plant fertilizers, insect sprays, paint thinners, or other chemicals must be stored away from foods and utensils. Store medicines and vitamins out of reach of children. Cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, health and beauty aids, poisons, shall be used only in a manner that will not constitute a hazard to the children. When not in actual use, such materials shall be kept in a place inaccessible to children and separate from stored medications and food. All arts and crafts materials used in the facility shall be non-toxic. Poisonous or potentially harmful plants on the premises shall be inaccessible to children.
17. Garbage Covered/Removed
17. Garbage Covered/Removed:
Garbage and disposable diapers must be in covered containers or closed garbage bags. They should be taken to outside containers daily for weekly removal. Garbage/trash needs to be stored where it is inaccessible to children and cannot attract vermin.
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal:
Water supply pipes, faucets, or hoses below a sink rim or in a drain or sewer may create a cross-connection between drinking water and dirty water; proper backflow prevention should be present. Plumbing must be in good condition and comply with local plumbing code. Sewage must be properly disposed with no overflows or surfacing that may cause contamination.
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled:
The water must be from a Health District approved source and be free of contamination. A sample of the water will be collected and the visible portion of the well will be inspected.
20. Handwashing Facilities
20. Handwashing Facilities:
A hand sink needs to be close to the diaper changing area. The kitchen sink is not to be used for hand washing after changing diapers. The sink(s) used for hand washing must have hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. Soap and paper towels must be present.
21. Diaper Changing Facilities
21. Diaper Changing Facilities:
The changing area cannot be in the kitchen or on counters or tables used for food preparation or dining. A smooth non-absorbent diaper changing surface is required. Dirty diapers and soiled clothing must be stored to prevent access by children. Sanitize the diaper changing surface after each diaper change. Use gloves. The employee is to wash his/her hands between each diaper change. The child’s hands should also be washed.
22. Firearm Storage
22. Firearm Storage:
Firearms must be in a locked container or other container inaccessible to children. Ammunition is to be in a separate locked container.
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...)
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...):
Pools, hot tubs and other bodies of water must be inaccessible to children.
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption:
Use of alcohol or smoking is prohibited during operating hours when children are present.
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean:
Sleeping cots, blankets and mats are kept clean and sanitized regularly. Keep play areas clean. Toys, tables, and chairs should be washable and sanitized frequently. Restroom(s) must be cleaned daily and ventilated.
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation:
Adequate heat, light, and ventilation are required. Screened doors and windows are required when open. Wood stoves must not be accessible to children.
27. Outdoor Play Areas
27. Outdoor Play Areas:
Maintain areas free from hazards, such as window wells, garden tools, lawn mowers, gas grills, ATVs, motorcycles, and animal waste. Play equipment must be safe, in good condition, and anchored.
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination:
Animals must be in good health, friendly, and vaccinated.
29. General Safety
29. General Safety:
Electric cords and outlets must be in good condition. Keep electric outlets covered. Cords for blinds must be out of reach. Fueled equipment and repair equipment must be inaccessible to children. Choking hazards may not be accessible to children. Building and physical premises must be safe, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury including but not limited to, electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
30. Transportation Safety
30. Transportation Safety:
Providers who transport children as part of their child care operations must operate safely, using child safety restraints and seat belts as required by state and local statute.
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib:
Providers must place newborn infants to twelve (12) months in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified crib.
Health & Safety Inspection June 21st, 2024



1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Inspection Criterion
Inspection Comments
1. Provider Age/Supervision
1. Provider Age/Supervision:
Providers must be 18 years old or older. Persons 16 or 17 may provide care if directly supervised by a provider. An adult must be awake and within sight and hearing of children
Inspector's comments: At time of inspection, provider is not current on background checks for three staff members.
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid:
Must have at least ONE adult on premises at all times who has a current certification in pediatric rescue breathing, CPR, and pediatric first aid.
3. Child-Staff Ratio
3. Child-Staff Ratio:
Child to staff ratio must be adhered to during all hours of operation. Ratios are determined by a point system. Points are determined by the age of children. Twelve points per staff member is the maximum. Child 0-24 mos. = 2 pts.; Child 24-36 mos. = 1.5 pts.; Child 36-60 mos. = 1 pts.; Child 60 mos-13yrs = .5 pts. Local jurisdictions that license child care providers may be more stringent.
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill:
Provide a written procedure that outlines what will be done if a child becomes ill while in your care. Staff or children who are diagnosed with a day care restrictable disease must not attend a day care facility as long as the disease is in communicable form
5. Immunization Records
5. Immunization Records:
Each child’s immunization record or reason for exemption is collected by the provider within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance
Inspector's comments: At time of inspection, provider is not current on immunization records.
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication:
Facilities must have an approved fire safety and evacuation plan. Fire and evacuation drills must be conducted on a routine schedule and staff and children must participate. An operable telephone or cell phone must be available at all times and must be available to parents and guardians.
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits:
Centers, Group, and licensed Family Day Cares must be inspected by the local Fire Official or designee. Providers must have at least one fire extinguisher, inspected annually. Smoke detectors must be placed in each sleeping area, hall-way, and on each floor level. No second story or basement child care without an approved fire exit. Unlicensed Family ICCP providers must be in compliance with Fire Safety Standards in the Child Care Licensing Rules.
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings:
A fire evacuation plan must include the staging area, exit locations, evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations. Include a routine drill schedule.
Inspector's comments: At time of inspection, the Fire Safety Evacuation Plan did not contain a fire evacuation log.
9. Food Source / Food Thawing
9. Food Source / Food Thawing:
Providers must serve only pasteurized milk and juice, and only USDA approved meat only. Providers must not serve home canned foods, except jams or jellies. Food should be thawed safely.
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene:
Cook meat to proper temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination. Practice proper hand washing often. Minimize bare hand contact with food. Unwrapped foods may not be re-served once plate is on the table.
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers:
Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate refrigerator thermometer, metal or plastic shielded. Refrigerators must be cold at 41° F (38-40° F preferred) or below.
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination:
Cooked foods are stored above raw foods. Store eggs, raw meat and poultry below ready-to-eat food. Keep food stored off the floor and protected from dust, flies, pets, water, and chemicals. Do not store under plumbing pipes. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be covered to prevent cross contamination.
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing:
Food contact surfaces must be kept clean (counters, tables, high chairs, cutting boards) and sanitized. Cutting boards, knives, counters, pots and pans, plates, cups, forks, and spoons must be clean and sanitized, in good repair, smooth, and easy to clean. Refrigerators, cabinet shelves, sinks, dish machines, utensil handles, must be clean, in good repair, smooth and easy to clean. Wiping cloths, dishcloths used for tables, counters, high chairs, etc. are rinsed in a sanitizing solution before and after use.
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing:
Dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware shall be washed either in a dishwasher with a sanitizing dry cycle, or by the four-step method.
15. Utensil Storage
15. Utensil Storage:
Protect clean utensils, glasses, dishes, pots and pans, from contamination. Drawers holding sharp utensils should be secured with child-proof latches.
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances:
STORE ALL CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, OR IN A LOCKED CABINET. Bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, plant fertilizers, insect sprays, paint thinners, or other chemicals must be stored away from foods and utensils. Store medicines and vitamins out of reach of children. Cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, health and beauty aids, poisons, shall be used only in a manner that will not constitute a hazard to the children. When not in actual use, such materials shall be kept in a place inaccessible to children and separate from stored medications and food. All arts and crafts materials used in the facility shall be non-toxic. Poisonous or potentially harmful plants on the premises shall be inaccessible to children.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 6/21/24
At time of inspection, two spray bottles were not labeled. Provider corrected on-site and labeled bottles.
17. Garbage Covered/Removed
17. Garbage Covered/Removed:
Garbage and disposable diapers must be in covered containers or closed garbage bags. They should be taken to outside containers daily for weekly removal. Garbage/trash needs to be stored where it is inaccessible to children and cannot attract vermin.
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal:
Water supply pipes, faucets, or hoses below a sink rim or in a drain or sewer may create a cross-connection between drinking water and dirty water; proper backflow prevention should be present. Plumbing must be in good condition and comply with local plumbing code. Sewage must be properly disposed with no overflows or surfacing that may cause contamination.
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled:
The water must be from a Health District approved source and be free of contamination. A sample of the water will be collected and the visible portion of the well will be inspected.
20. Handwashing Facilities
20. Handwashing Facilities:
A hand sink needs to be close to the diaper changing area. The kitchen sink is not to be used for hand washing after changing diapers. The sink(s) used for hand washing must have hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. Soap and paper towels must be present.
21. Diaper Changing Facilities
21. Diaper Changing Facilities:
The changing area cannot be in the kitchen or on counters or tables used for food preparation or dining. A smooth non-absorbent diaper changing surface is required. Dirty diapers and soiled clothing must be stored to prevent access by children. Sanitize the diaper changing surface after each diaper change. Use gloves. The employee is to wash his/her hands between each diaper change. The child’s hands should also be washed.
22. Firearm Storage
22. Firearm Storage:
Firearms must be in a locked container or other container inaccessible to children. Ammunition is to be in a separate locked container.
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...)
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...):
Pools, hot tubs and other bodies of water must be inaccessible to children.
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption:
Use of alcohol or smoking is prohibited during operating hours when children are present.
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean:
Sleeping cots, blankets and mats are kept clean and sanitized regularly. Keep play areas clean. Toys, tables, and chairs should be washable and sanitized frequently. Restroom(s) must be cleaned daily and ventilated.
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation:
Adequate heat, light, and ventilation are required. Screened doors and windows are required when open. Wood stoves must not be accessible to children.
27. Outdoor Play Areas
27. Outdoor Play Areas:
Maintain areas free from hazards, such as window wells, garden tools, lawn mowers, gas grills, ATVs, motorcycles, and animal waste. Play equipment must be safe, in good condition, and anchored.
Inspector's comments: At time of inspection, a screw was sticking out of tree gazebo. Provider corrected on-site and screwed it in. At time of inspection, a plank was missing on the tree gazebo which left a space large enough for children to get stuck.
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination:
Animals must be in good health, friendly, and vaccinated.
29. General Safety
29. General Safety:
Electric cords and outlets must be in good condition. Keep electric outlets covered. Cords for blinds must be out of reach. Fueled equipment and repair equipment must be inaccessible to children. Choking hazards may not be accessible to children. Building and physical premises must be safe, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury including but not limited to, electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
Inspector's comments: At time of inspection, two electrical sockets didn't have covers. Provider corrected on-site and added covers. At time of inspection, an exit was blocked and the gate's locking mechanism was rusty and unable to open.
30. Transportation Safety
30. Transportation Safety:
Providers who transport children as part of their child care operations must operate safely, using child safety restraints and seat belts as required by state and local statute.
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib:
Providers must place newborn infants to twelve (12) months in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified crib.
Health & Safety Inspection June 27th, 2023



1218 20th St
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
United States

Inspection Criterion
Inspection Comments
1. Provider Age/Supervision
1. Provider Age/Supervision:
Providers must be 18 years old or older. Persons 16 or 17 may provide care if directly supervised by a provider. An adult must be awake and within sight and hearing of children
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid
2. Pediatric Rescue Breathing CPR/1st Aid:
Must have at least ONE adult on premises at all times who has a current certification in pediatric rescue breathing, CPR, and pediatric first aid.
3. Child-Staff Ratio
3. Child-Staff Ratio:
Child to staff ratio must be adhered to during all hours of operation. Ratios are determined by a point system. Points are determined by the age of children. Twelve points per staff member is the maximum. Child 0-24 mos. = 2 pts.; Child 24-36 mos. = 1.5 pts.; Child 36-60 mos. = 1 pts.; Child 60 mos-13yrs = .5 pts. Local jurisdictions that license child care providers may be more stringent.
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill
4. Staff/Children Excluded When Ill:
Provide a written procedure that outlines what will be done if a child becomes ill while in your care. Staff or children who are diagnosed with a day care restrictable disease must not attend a day care facility as long as the disease is in communicable form
5. Immunization Records
5. Immunization Records:
Each child’s immunization record or reason for exemption is collected by the provider within fourteen (14) days of initial attendance
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication
6. Disaster and Emergency Plan and Communication:
Facilities must have an approved fire safety and evacuation plan. Fire and evacuation drills must be conducted on a routine schedule and staff and children must participate. An operable telephone or cell phone must be available at all times and must be available to parents and guardians.
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits
7. Smoke Detector, Fire Extinguisher, Exits:
Centers, Group, and licensed Family Day Cares must be inspected by the local Fire Official or designee. Providers must have at least one fire extinguisher, inspected annually. Smoke detectors must be placed in each sleeping area, hall-way, and on each floor level. No second story or basement child care without an approved fire exit. Unlicensed Family ICCP providers must be in compliance with Fire Safety Standards in the Child Care Licensing Rules.
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings
8. Fire Safety Evacuation Plan, Postings:
A fire evacuation plan must include the staging area, exit locations, evacuation routes and fire extinguisher locations. Include a routine drill schedule.
9. Food Source / Food Thawing
9. Food Source / Food Thawing:
Providers must serve only pasteurized milk and juice, and only USDA approved meat only. Providers must not serve home canned foods, except jams or jellies. Food should be thawed safely.
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene
10. Food Handling/Personal Hygiene:
Cook meat to proper temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination. Practice proper hand washing often. Minimize bare hand contact with food. Unwrapped foods may not be re-served once plate is on the table.
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers
11. Food Temperatures/Thermometers:
Refrigerators must be equipped with an accurate refrigerator thermometer, metal or plastic shielded. Refrigerators must be cold at 41° F (38-40° F preferred) or below.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 6/27/23
At time of follow up inspection, a thermometer had been purchased.
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination
12. Food Storage/Cross Contamination:
Cooked foods are stored above raw foods. Store eggs, raw meat and poultry below ready-to-eat food. Keep food stored off the floor and protected from dust, flies, pets, water, and chemicals. Do not store under plumbing pipes. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be covered to prevent cross contamination.
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing
13. Food Contact Surfaces/Sanitizing:
Food contact surfaces must be kept clean (counters, tables, high chairs, cutting boards) and sanitized. Cutting boards, knives, counters, pots and pans, plates, cups, forks, and spoons must be clean and sanitized, in good repair, smooth, and easy to clean. Refrigerators, cabinet shelves, sinks, dish machines, utensil handles, must be clean, in good repair, smooth and easy to clean. Wiping cloths, dishcloths used for tables, counters, high chairs, etc. are rinsed in a sanitizing solution before and after use.
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing
14. Dishwashing/Sanitizing:
Dishes, glasses, utensils and silverware shall be washed either in a dishwasher with a sanitizing dry cycle, or by the four-step method.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 6/27/23
At time of follow up inspection, kitchen surfaces had been cleaned.
15. Utensil Storage
15. Utensil Storage:
Protect clean utensils, glasses, dishes, pots and pans, from contamination. Drawers holding sharp utensils should be secured with child-proof latches.
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances
16. Medicines/Hazardous Substances:
STORE ALL CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, OR IN A LOCKED CABINET. Bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, plant fertilizers, insect sprays, paint thinners, or other chemicals must be stored away from foods and utensils. Store medicines and vitamins out of reach of children. Cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans, pesticides, health and beauty aids, poisons, shall be used only in a manner that will not constitute a hazard to the children. When not in actual use, such materials shall be kept in a place inaccessible to children and separate from stored medications and food. All arts and crafts materials used in the facility shall be non-toxic. Poisonous or potentially harmful plants on the premises shall be inaccessible to children.
17. Garbage Covered/Removed
17. Garbage Covered/Removed:
Garbage and disposable diapers must be in covered containers or closed garbage bags. They should be taken to outside containers daily for weekly removal. Garbage/trash needs to be stored where it is inaccessible to children and cannot attract vermin.
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal
18. Plumbing/Sewage Disposal:
Water supply pipes, faucets, or hoses below a sink rim or in a drain or sewer may create a cross-connection between drinking water and dirty water; proper backflow prevention should be present. Plumbing must be in good condition and comply with local plumbing code. Sewage must be properly disposed with no overflows or surfacing that may cause contamination.
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled
19. Water Supply/Well Sampled:
The water must be from a Health District approved source and be free of contamination. A sample of the water will be collected and the visible portion of the well will be inspected.
20. Handwashing Facilities
20. Handwashing Facilities:
A hand sink needs to be close to the diaper changing area. The kitchen sink is not to be used for hand washing after changing diapers. The sink(s) used for hand washing must have hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. Soap and paper towels must be present.
21. Diaper Changing Facilities
21. Diaper Changing Facilities:
The changing area cannot be in the kitchen or on counters or tables used for food preparation or dining. A smooth non-absorbent diaper changing surface is required. Dirty diapers and soiled clothing must be stored to prevent access by children. Sanitize the diaper changing surface after each diaper change. Use gloves. The employee is to wash his/her hands between each diaper change. The child’s hands should also be washed.
Inspector's comments:
Corrected on 6/27/23
At time of follow up inspection, the changing pad was replaced.
22. Firearm Storage
22. Firearm Storage:
Firearms must be in a locked container or other container inaccessible to children. Ammunition is to be in a separate locked container.
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...)
23. Water Hazards (Pools, Canals...):
Pools, hot tubs and other bodies of water must be inaccessible to children.
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption
24. Smoking/Alcohol Consumption:
Use of alcohol or smoking is prohibited during operating hours when children are present.
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean
25. Sleeping-Play Areas, Restrooms Clean:
Sleeping cots, blankets and mats are kept clean and sanitized regularly. Keep play areas clean. Toys, tables, and chairs should be washable and sanitized frequently. Restroom(s) must be cleaned daily and ventilated.
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation
26. Heat, Light & Ventilation:
Adequate heat, light, and ventilation are required. Screened doors and windows are required when open. Wood stoves must not be accessible to children.
27. Outdoor Play Areas
27. Outdoor Play Areas:
Maintain areas free from hazards, such as window wells, garden tools, lawn mowers, gas grills, ATVs, motorcycles, and animal waste. Play equipment must be safe, in good condition, and anchored.
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination
28. Animal, Pet Health/Vaccination:
Animals must be in good health, friendly, and vaccinated.
29. General Safety
29. General Safety:
Electric cords and outlets must be in good condition. Keep electric outlets covered. Cords for blinds must be out of reach. Fueled equipment and repair equipment must be inaccessible to children. Choking hazards may not be accessible to children. Building and physical premises must be safe, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury including but not limited to, electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
30. Transportation Safety
30. Transportation Safety:
Providers who transport children as part of their child care operations must operate safely, using child safety restraints and seat belts as required by state and local statute.
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib
31. Safe Sleep-Alone, on back CPSC crib:
Providers must place newborn infants to twelve (12) months in a safe sleep environment. Safe sleep practices include alone, on their backs, and in a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) certified crib.
Date e-mailed / Faxed to IDSTARS

Incident Reports

What is a Substantiated Incident?

Occasionally, families and community members may report that a child care facility is not meeting requirements for safe and healthy child care. All child care incidents reported in Idaho are investigated. After an investigation, if it is determined by the relevant authorities that an incident occurred, it is considered “substantiated.” It is important to know that only substantiated incidents and allegations are published on this website. Incidents that are still under investigation will not be published until the investigation is concluded.

Idaho began publishing substantiated incidents in October 2017. Incidents are published as each investigation is concluded and maintained on this site for at least three years. 

4 Substantiated Incidents
Incident Categories
Health and Safety, Supervision Concern, Licensing and Agreements
June 17th, 2024
Incident Category Licensing and Agreements, Supervision Concern

Supervision Concern

There was a concern regarding supervision. During an investigation, it was determined that background check clearance letters were missing for multiple staff members.


The provider came into compliance by providing the missing background check clearance letters.

November 7th, 2022
Incident Category Supervision Concern


There were concerns of children not being properly supervised. At time of investigation. the child / staff ratios were not in compliance. 


A staff came back from lunch and put the provider back into compliance. The provider was educated that ratio and supervision rules apply at all times during operating hours.

June 8th, 2021
Incident Category Health and Safety

21-00153 Health and Safety Concern

The facility had two children with lice from two separate families.  


Children were removed until resolved. Sleeping mats were spaced far apart to keep heads from touching.  Sleep mats are also wiped down after naps and then stored in individual plastic bags that are placed in a designated location with each kids name on it to prevent cross contamination.  Handouts were given to provider to give to parents and staff.

May 17th, 2018
Incident Category Health and Safety, Supervision Concern

Child climbed fence and left facility.

Child was able to climb over fence and leave the facility.


Child was found by law enforcement, and was reunited with their mother. Provider dismissed two staff members responsible for the child, and revised the disaster plan regarding lost/missing children. Provider discussed incident at staff meeting, and revised policies and procedures with staff.